

Our wrap-around program involves all staff, at all times, working together to make sure each child is as successful as possible. It relies on specialized roles, strong hiring, and genuine care for students. We look at the big picture for each student, not just as they sit in a classroom with their current teacher, but as an InnovOak student from their first day of Kindergarten until their graduation. Very few schools are JK-12 and this advantage allows parents to have peace of mind knowing that we are here for the entire journey, focused on the big picture - just as parents are.

All of our teachers spend significant time building connections and relationships with all of the students at InnovOak School. In JK-8 we program for collective group activities that allow students to get to know each other. Students will know not only their own teacher, but all of the teachers in Lower and Middle School as we develop memorable opportunities designed to build a strong sense of community and a nurturing/connected learning environment. Students are tracked by a trusted adult who ensures their progress, their needs, and their dreams are not forgotten from year to year. Our Upper School Guidance Coach spends time getting to know each student. They participate in learning conversations with teachers, and monitor each student during their years at InnovOak.

Literacy and Numeracy are tracked in Lower School to ensure each teacher knows exactly where students begin. Staff then work tirelessly to ensure students are challenged and supported as much as possible during each school year. We also make sure parents know and understand what their child is working on and how they are developing every step of the way. Our Guidance Coach not only gets to know your child, but they use a skilled coaching model to motivate and engage students in their own learning.

Our Wrap-Around Success includes managing InnovOak Learning Skills, and ensuring a consistent plan of growth and development. That support focuses on goal setting, planning, and back mapping success markers. Which in turn prepares students for Upper School. Our Guidance Coaches not only support LifeReady, they support the continuum of tracked skills, Co-Op, Course Selection, University Backward Mapping and Post-Secondary Destination Planning. We look after the details, often overlooked at other schools, to make sure no one falls through the cracks.

Many schools have guidance counsellors. At InnovOak we have disrupted the model and changed the nature of this traditional role. Our guidance staff are mentors and coaches, they teach and support your student every step of the way. Counsellors are found in public high schools and focus mainly on reacting to students who need support. InnovOak Guidance Coaches are proactive and focus on heling students develop the skills, work ethic and social skills to succeed as students, employees and citizens.