Foundational Skills
Our Rationale
Elementary Programming is not governed by credit acquisition or the OSSD requirements. The focus is on meeting curriculum expectations within a nurturing, safe, productive, and caring learning environment.
An effective elementary program, along with a rich learning environment (referred to as programs), ensures academic growth and excellence. These programs include, but are not limited to, extracurriculars, student leadership and specific academic programs that outline how a school will achieve curriculum excellence.
We are proud to align our comprehensive and robust academic program with the underlying skill development required for success in every grade. We scaffold our skill development in an age-appropriate way based on our expertise in child and teen development, expansive understanding of the Ontario Curriculum, and our commitment to the InnovOak School Guarantee - we ensure your child is ready for their post-graduation choices. We start this work in JK because skill development and academic excellence develops over time. By working diligently and proactively toward this goal, we ensure that students are given the attention necessary to master the skills and no one falls behind.
Our unique organizational framework means that our school day and school year are designed to include additional time for academics, social and learning development and extra curricular activities.
The Framework
InnovOak teachers will teach all learning skills in the context of subjects in Junior and Middle School. As well, each student will be assigned InnovOak’s Core Skill Development Program as a subject or class. This subject will be used for time management, organization of the week, and to ensure that ICSD skills are discussed, explicitly taught, and intentionally practiced. Teachers will devote time to a class discussion and develop appropriate ways for students to self-evaluate and monitor their personal progress. Progress will be reported on during student-led conferences and listed on both the progress and term reports in Junior and Middle school. In Senior School, progress is reported on both midterm and final report cards.
Teachers will create real success criteria and learning goals that students will work towards each day. This will involve creating success criteria, learning goals and grade specific rubrics as a class or within a division. The students will learn what each skill is, its importance to their success and how to achieve it. They will learn how to set goals to improve their focus and use of each skill, with these plans and goals becoming part of the student-led interview process in Lower and Middle School.
Upper School teachers will expect that skill acquisition has been a long-term focus for students in Grade 9-12 and students have moved into refinement of skills during this time. Teachers will review and reaffirm the skills needed for success when completing coursework, projects, and in preparation for exams. They will also report on these skills as part of the InnovOak Honors Graduation Diploma. Teachers will explicitly teach, assess, and report on the following learning skills, many of which are transferable and interrelated:
The Skills We Focus On
Students learn to work cooperatively with others, regardless of their role. Post secondary institutions and employers expect students/employees to be team players. Teamwork is required for every industry and people who have teamwork skills like communication, collaboration, leadership and a positive attitude can help any team be more productive. In young children these experiences begin with a focus on effective communication, turn taking and collaboration, critical thinking, social/emotional regulation and active listening.
Students effectively convey their ideas and understanding in multiple formats. Effective communication is vital as a student, employee, family member and any contributing member of society. It is necessary for interpersonal success and growth in all areas of life.
Students use inquiry, analysis, and evaluation to come to insightful understandings. Critical thinking is an essential skill that involves the ability to analyze information, evaluate different perspectives, and come up with creative solutions to complex problems. The 7 key features of critical thinking involve asking questions, defining a problem, examining evidence, analyzing assumptions and biases, avoiding emotional reasoning, avoiding oversimplification, considering other interpretations and tolerating ambiguity.
The innovative mindset is a set of attitudes and abilities that enable individuals to think creatively and develop new ideas and solutions. Innovation involves communication skills, strategic thinking, leadership skills and creative problem-solving.
Students take responsibility for and are increasingly more self-directed in their learning. Being able to manage time, adhere to deadlines when possible and negotiate deadlines when necessary, are important work and life skills that help create conditions for success.
Society and success depend on the ability of people to work together appropriately. This skill is important for job, personal and academic success. Relationships are built and maintained by being able to manage interpersonal relationships, and conflict while being sincere and positive.
Students develop the flexibility, courage, and resourcefulness necessary to face challenges, solve problems, and persevere when things are hard. This skill stands apart from the others to ensure an intentional focus on attitude and mindset.
Overall, technological agility involves a combination of skills and abilities that enable individuals and organizations to quickly adapt to and utilize new technologies. By developing these characteristics, individuals and organizations can remain competitive and effective in an increasingly technology-driven world.
Self-assessment is an important learning skill that involves the ability to evaluate one's own learning and progress. Students work to become more independent and self-directed learners and can use self-assessment and reflection as a valuable tool to support growth and achievement.
Personal Leadership is a critical skill that is incorporated into many other skill sets. Leadership skills allow children to have age-appropriate control of their lives and the ability to make things happen. Leadership instills confidence, and helps children solve problems creatively, work as part of a team, and work collaboratively with others. Leadership gives children many opportunities to develop responsibility. The goal is to become “self made” which is a level of comfort and confidence in areas of growth.
Time management is a ubiquitous skill incorporated into many other skill sets. However, for students, explicit and intentional focus on effective time management is essential for success.
Self-Regulation is the ability to control impulses, adapt to changing situations, understand and manage your behaviour, and your reactions to feelings and things happening around you. It includes being able to regulate reactions to strong emotions like frustration, excitement, anger and embarrassment. As students become self-aware, they work to increasingly understand how their thoughts and feelings influence their actions. Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you.